In the heart of Gujarat, where the vibrant colors of tradition meet the spirit of resilience, Happy Faces Foundation (HFF) embarked on a unique journey of hope and renewal through the art of diya making.


On the fateful night of September 26th, a torrential flood wreaked havoc in Gabhana and the surrounding villages of Narmada district. Homes were washed away, fields ruined, and dreams submerged. It was amidst this devastation that HFF saw an opportunity not just to provide relief but to empower the affected communities.


Understanding the need for both immediate assistance and long-term support, HFF initiated a diya – making project. With Diwali approaching, it was a beacon of light in the midst of darkness. The idea was simple yet profound – to teach the art of diya painting to the resilient residents who had lost not just their homes but also their source of livelihood.


The diya, a symbol of light and hope, became a tool for economic revival. Workshops were set up, and training sessions commenced. The women of Gabhana and neighboring villages, who had faced the brunt of nature’s fury, now held in their hands the power to create something beautiful. It was not just about crafting diyas; it was about crafting a path to self-sufficiency.


As Diwali approached, the workshops buzzed with creativity. Vibrant colors adorned the humble clay diyas, each stroke telling a story of resilience and renewal. The art was not merely a means of livelihood; it became a form of therapy, a way for the artisans to heal and rebuild.


Diwali arrived, not just with the glow of a thousand diyas but with the radiance of newfound hope. The diyas crafted by the skilled hands of these artisans found homes across Gujarat, illuminating countless households and symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness.


But the story doesn’t end with Diwali. As the festival lights dimmed, the impact of this initiative continued to shine. The diya-making workshops evolved into a sustained source of income for the artisans. With each diya sold, a life was illuminated.


Happy Faces Foundation didn’t just bring light to the darkness; it ignited a flame of resilience, creativity, and economic independence. The humble diya, once a symbol of celebration, became a beacon of empowerment. In the face of adversity, these artisans not only found a source of income but also a newfound confidence – a flame that continues to burn bright, long after the festival lights have faded.


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